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Gurjaani is a distinguished white wine produced in the Gurjaani micro-zone, located in the Kakheti region of Georgia. This area is situated on the right bank of the Alazani River and includes vineyards on the northeastern slopes of the Tsiv-Gombori mountain range. Gurjaani wines are primarily made from the Rkatsiteli grape variety, renowned for their harmonious and refined characteristics.


The Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) for Gurjaani was officially registered on August 30, 2005. The tradition of winemaking in Gurjaani dates back centuries, with notable references to its high-quality wines by famous travelers like Jean Chardin and Alexander Dumas. The region's long-standing viticultural practices and ideal terroir have contributed to the unique qualities of Gurjaani wine.


Vineyards in the Gurjaani micro-zone are located at elevations between 350 and 700 meters above sea level. The area is characterized by a variety of soils, including dark clayey, meadow brown, alluvial, and deluvial soils, providing an excellent foundation for viticulture. The primary grape variety used for Gurjaani wine is Rkatsiteli, with up to 15% of the Kakhetian Mtsvane grape also permitted. Strict regulations govern grape maturity, vineyard cultivation, and winemaking processes to maintain the high quality of the wine.

Tasting Notes

Gurjaani wines exhibit a light straw color. They are known for their impeccable, delicate, soft, and harmonious taste, featuring floral tones characteristic of the geographic area. With aging, the wine develops a well-defined bouquet with fruity notes.

Interesting Facts

  • The name "Gurjaani" is believed to be derived from the Persian word "gurj" or "gurj-i," meaning "Georgian." It indicates the historical interactions and influences between the Persian and Georgian cultures.

Gurjaani PDO Official Guidelines and Specifications

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