Tvishi is a renowned semi-sweet white wine produced in the Tvishi micro-zone, located in the Lechkhumi region of Georgia, specifically in the Tsageri administrative district on the right bank of the Rioni River. This micro-zone includes the villages of Tvishi and Alpana.
The Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) for Tvishi was officially registered on December 10, 2007. The winemaking tradition in Tvishi has deep historical roots, with the region being recognized for producing high-quality wines for centuries. The area's unique climatic and soil conditions have contributed to the development of its distinctive wine profile.
Vineyards in the Tvishi micro-zone are situated at elevations between 400 and 600 meters above sea level. The soils in this region are primarily humus-carbonate, with variations including deluvial and clayey soils, providing an excellent foundation for viticulture. The primary grape variety used for Tvishi wine is Tsolikouri, and the use of other grape varieties is prohibited. The wines must be produced from grapes grown in the micro-zone, adhering to strict regulations regarding grape maturity, vineyard cultivation, and winemaking processes.
Tasting Notes
Tvishi wines are characterized by a light straw to straw color and offer exquisite, delicate, and harmonious aromas with fruity tones and a pleasant sweetness. These wines exhibit a flawless and refined profile, with notes of fresh fruits, a hint of honey, and balanced acidity, creating a refreshing and delightful wine experience.
Interesting Facts
Tvishi is known as the sole white semi-sweet wine PDO in Georgia, standing out with its unique and distinguished profile.
Lionidzis Zvari Tvishi2018
- Regular price
- €12.87
- Sale price
- €12.87
- Regular price
- Unit price
- per
Winery Lionidzis ZvariVintages2018 / qnt.350Wine typeSemi Sweet White | Alc. 12.0% | Vol. 750mlTerroir Lechkhumi – Tvishi PDOGrape TsolikouriIn Stock 350 -
Naberauli Wines Tvishi2023
- Regular price
- €10.56
- Sale price
- €10.56
- Regular price
- Unit price
- per
Winery Naberauli WinesVintages2023 / qnt.6000Wine typeSemi Sweet White | Alc. 12.5% | Vol. 750mlTerroir Lechkhumi – Tvishi PDOGrape TsolikouriIn Stock 6000 -
Giorbelidze Wine Cellar Tvishi2022
- Regular price
- €11.78
- Sale price
- €11.78
- Regular price
- Unit price
- per
Winery Giorbelidze Wine CellarVintages2022 / qnt.900Wine typeSemi Sweet White | Alc. 12.5% | Vol. 750mlTerroir Lechkhumi – Tvishi PDO – OkureshiGrape TsolikouriIn Stock 900